St. Mathew

Beloved ones, now is the time to embrace courage and strength. You carry within you the flames of truth and liberation. Do not turn away from knowledge, for it is through wisdom that truth is revealed and falsehoods are cast aside. Be a guiding light for those around you. Ignite the torch within your soul and let it shine brightly for all to see. May peace dwell with you now and always.

Archangel Raphael

“Beloved souls, the treasures you hold in your hands reflect your hard work and dedication, but beware of clinging too tightly to what you have amassed. True wealth is not in the possession but in the flow—of resources, love, and energy. Release fear of lack, for abundance is an ever-moving current that nourishes those who trust in its rhythm.

Open your heart to generosity and find security in your inner worth, not the walls you build around your treasures. Trust that when you give freely, the universe replenishes you tenfold. Balance prudence with faith, and you shall find peace in both material and spiritual realms.”

Archangel Gabriel

"Beloved children of Earth, now is the time to embrace the role of the seeker, the student, and the dreamer. I, Gabriel, the messenger of divine inspiration, encourage you to nurture your goals and dreams with patience and care. Remember that the smallest steps lead to wonderful journeys. Honor the learning process, for each lesson builds the foundation of your future. Be practical, yet let your imagination soar—bridging the realms of thought and action.

The world now stands on the precipice of renewal, and you are invited to co-create its brighter future. Plant your intentions like seeds into the earth. Tend to them with integrity, persistence, and a spirit of collaboration. Through your diligence and faith, the fruits of your efforts will nourish not only your life but the lives of those around you.

Step forward with courage. Every discovery and every challenge are gifts, shaping your spirit and contributing to the great tapestry of existence. Trust that you are guided and supported by divine love as you walk this path."

“Blessings of light and hope.”

Archangel Azrael

"My beloveds, know that endings, no matter how painful, are sacred doorways to transformation. Release the weight of what has been, for it no longer serves your journey ahead. Trust that even in moments of despair, I walk beside you, offering comfort and guiding you toward the light of renewal. Let go of resistance and allow the old to fall away, for within this surrender lies the gift of freedom. A new chapter awaits, brighter and more aligned with your soul’s purpose. You are never alone; I am here to help you rise again."


“Many are the ones who wish upon the heavens for something wonderful to come through. Time is not something wishes understand. Just know that you are heard, and blessings are upon you.  Blessed be.” -Mathew.


“Be still. Quiet your mind. You are all and everything. Your soul knows no boundaries. The universe is yours to travel. Pick a star, any star and fly to it. Watch how everything unfolds from above.  Let go and be free!” -Mary


“Beauty is for the whole body.  Mind and Soul. Be aware of what lays around you. There is an abundance of beauty for you to absorb. Let the energy flow through you and all around.  Let your soul be cleansed, your body refreshed and your mind sharpened. Then go out amongst the many and share what you have learned. Blessings upon your, always.” -Raphael.


“Pleasure can be found in many ways that the soul becomes alive. The sun, the moon the stars.  As far as you can see and more.  Each of these celestial bodies touch the earth to create joy for our souls. Joy then is just one pleasure that can be absorbed through the senses.  Take a moment to feel the ground below you, the air around you.  Feel the energy that flows into you and let it become your pleasure, your soul’s joy.  Believe.”  -Beatrice.


“Relax, we can hear you! Many places and times are within our reach.  How you see us can change depending upon what part of growth your soul is in. Listen with your heart and not your mind.  A clear image will be placed before you but you must grasp it with the heart so that your soul may hold it. Tell me? What can we do for you?  Give us a task, all you need to do is ask.  Blessing my friend “ - Uriel


“Peace can come to those that truly listen to their soul. The soul does not hide but the mind can cloak the soul. Quiet the mind and release the soul from any bondage the mind has placed upon it.  Once you set it free you will be able to hear the songs your soul sings, thus bringing peace for you from within.  Blessing to you, my child.” -Mary.


“Make time in this life to see the wonders around you. The old teddy bear in the corner sees you and still listens.  Time can be a moment in silence or a day within.  Do not worry about tomorrow.  Time will always be.” -Muriel

Archangel Michael

“Listen to my words.  The time is now for the people to listen to the words that come from afar. The universe holds many keys to unlock many doors.  Which will you choose? Listen to the words from afar.  The time is now.” -The Archangel Michael


“Place your choices side by side. Choose that which holds the most passion in your heart.  Either choice will bring happiness but one burns a little brighter.  See with your heart and not your eyes.” -Danila

Archangel Michael...

“Make time for us to give that which you seek.  A moment out of your day to quiet your mind and we will be there to give.  Stop and listen is the key to receive”

-The Archangel Michael


“May you always be guided.  Peace comes in many forms.  You can hear it, see it or feel it.  Let your heart be the conduit of peace.  Wait no more, now is the time to act.  Stop and listen, watch and touch.  Love is ascending now and forever.  Blessed Be.”  -Francis

Archangel Gabriel

“Be careful. What you see is not always the truth.  Let love find the way for you to acknowledge that which exists for you. The way forward can only be seen when truth opens up the road ahead. Do not falter, take each step with care.  You will find your souls destination laid out upon the truth of knowledge.” -The Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Raphael

“Now is the time to take on new ideas, new dreams, new desires. The world is changing and how you choose to enter the changes will either enlighten you or deter you. Follow the spark within, do not extinguish it. Let your light burn like the sun and gather warmth for your soul.” - The Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael

“How to feel the presence of Love?”  “It is in the light shower of a raindrop.  It is in the soft breeze on your skin.  It is in the warmth of a sun filled day.  It is in the stars at night and when the moon is full.”  - The Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael

“Maybe the next time you hear a sound of running water you stop and listen to the music.  The notes in the movement are there to bring peace and understanding.  Truth is always in the music.  Understanding can open doors to different paths.  Pick one and walk through it.  Let the wound of water guide you.”  - The Archangel Raphael

Archangel Uriel

“When the time is near, we will show the way. This is a year for guidance. Step into the path of the light. The inner knowing. The peace within. Be always mindful, we are always listening. Keep watch for the light we bring. Sound your voices for the coming of enlightenment.” - The Archangel Uriel